Are you curious about what Europe has to offer in training activities for individuals nad organisation from the Western Balkans active in the field of youth and non-formal education? Search the European Training Calendar for interesting international trainings and use it for promoting your own training offers!
The main focus of the European Training Calendar is the Erasmus+: Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps programmes. All training activities in the Calendar should be European (or international), not-for-profit and directed to youth workers wishing to develop their competences to further work with and for young people, to share experiences and, on occasion, to make contacts for common future projects. One part of these opportunities are open for participants from the Western Balkans. Besides, the calendar can also publish calls for projects in which youth workers will meet other target groups such as youth policy makers, adult learning organisers, among others, in order to learn from each other.
You can contribute to the varied range to make it even more attractive by adding your training offer along those open by National Agencies, NGOs and other partners active in the youth work in Europe.
There are more than 70 international upcoming trainings listed, with more than 20 open for participants from Western Balkans!
To apply, please go the European Training Calendar homepage.